Dear colleagues,
The Wuppertal Institute contributes to this years's Innovate4Climate conference in four sessions:
Ambition Raising through Article 6 – Opportunities and Challenges
In order to achieve the climate change mitigation targets agreed in Paris, Parties must urgently raise their ambition. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which allows Parties to cooperate in implementing their nationally determined contributions, is to contribute to this objective. At this event, Nicolas Kreibich, research fellow at the Wuppertal Institute, will discuss with Carsten Warnecke and Tomas Day from the NewClimate Institute different option how Article 6 may contribute to enhancing mitigation ambition and which risks should be taken into account in achieving this objective.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 22 May 2018, from 16:00 to 17:00 in the German Pavillion.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 22 May 2018, from 16:00 to 17:00 in the German Pavillion.
Benchmarks for Baselines – a Match Made for 1.5 Degrees Celsius?
Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement provides countries with the option to collaborate in achieving their climate contributions. In this event, Wolfgang Obergassel, project Co-ordinator in Division of Energy, Transport and Climate Policy at the Wuppertal Institute, will discuss with other experts how technology benchmarks can serve as methodologies for the calculation of the emission reductions achieved by such collaborative actions. The other participants are Konrad Raeschke-Kessler from the German Emission Trading Authority and Jürg Füssler vom the research institute INFRAS.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 22 May 2018, from 16:50 to 17:50 in room Sirius.
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 22 May 2018, from 16:50 to 17:50 in room Sirius.
Governing Paris Article 6.4 – what roles and functions for the Article 6.4 supervisory body?
The new mechanism on joint climate action according to Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement is to be governed internationally. Wolfgang Obergassel will facilitate a panel discussion on how exactly the governance for that mechanism should be designed. The other panellists are Mandy Rambharos from the South African utility Eskom, Sandra Greiner from the consultancy ClimateFocus, Frank Wolke from the German Emission Trading Authority, and Motoharu Yamazaki from the UNFCCC Secretariat.
The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 23 May 2018, from 17.00 to 17:45 in the German Pavillion
The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 23 May 2018, from 17.00 to 17:45 in the German Pavillion
How Can Other Climate Policy Instruments Contribute to Build an ETS and How do They Interact? Case Study from Mexico
In this workshop, Nicolas Kreibich will present an international research project that identified institutional, political and technical components of policies which can serve as preconditions for a functional emissions trading system (ETS). Focusing on a case study from Mexico, the workshop will discuss potential contributions of existing policy instruments to the ETS development and their interactions. Vanessa Villa from GIZ Mexico will further provide insights into the current preparations of the set-up of the Mexican ETS and Alexander Eden from ICAP will present experiences made in other jurisdictions in implementing an ETS. The session will be facilitated by Dr. Jürgen Landgrebe from the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt).
The workshop will take place on Thursday, 24 May 2018, from 10:10 to 11:10 in room Sirius.
The workshop will take place on Thursday, 24 May 2018, from 10:10 to 11:10 in room Sirius.
Hope to see you there,
Wolfgang Obergassel
Recent publications:
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Christof Arens, Lukas Hermwille, Nico Kreibich, Florian Mersmann, Hermann E. Ott, Hanna Wang-Helmreich (2018): The Calm Before the Storm. An assessment of the 23rd world climate conference COP23 in Bonn. wi/a/s/ad/4210/
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Florian Mersmann, Hanna Wang-Helmreich (2017): Two for One: Integrating the Sustainable Development Agenda with International Climate Policy. In: GAIA, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 249-253. 14512/gaia.26.3.8
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Lauri Peterson, Florian Mersmann, Jeanette Schade, Jane Alice Hofbauer, Monika Mayrhofer (2017): Human rights and the clean development mechanism: lessons learned from three case studies. In: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 51-71 10.4337/jhre.2017.01.03
Recent publications:
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Christof Arens, Lukas Hermwille, Nico Kreibich, Florian Mersmann, Hermann E. Ott, Hanna Wang-Helmreich (2018): The Calm Before the Storm. An assessment of the 23rd world climate conference COP23 in Bonn.
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Florian Mersmann, Hanna Wang-Helmreich (2017): Two for One: Integrating the Sustainable Development Agenda with International Climate Policy. In: GAIA, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 249-253.
Obergassel, Wolfgang, Lauri Peterson, Florian Mersmann, Jeanette Schade, Jane Alice Hofbauer, Monika Mayrhofer (2017): Human rights and the clean development mechanism: lessons learned from three case studies. In: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 51-71
Browse all Wuppertal publications and projects on international climate policy at cop
Wolfgang Obergassel, né Sterk
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy - Döppersberg 19 - 42103 Wuppertal - Germany
Tel. +49 202 2492 149
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy - Döppersberg 19 - 42103 Wuppertal - Germany
Tel. +49 202 2492 149
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