So we can all invest in our future Fair World Project launched a new program, Grow Ahead: Crowdfunding for Climate Resilience.
Over the last four years, Fair World Project (FWP) has focused on the intersection between small-scale farmers, agroecology and climate change. In 2015 we produced "Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet." Later that year, we collaborated with the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers (CLAC) in a contest asking small-scale farmer groups to share their experiences and best practices in confronting climate change in their communities. Discover their stories in the "Climate Change: Voices of Small Producers" report.
Building on this success, FWP is launching Grow Ahead, an online lending and funding program that connects individuals and organizations directly to small-scale family farmer organizations. By lending and contributing through Grow Ahead, consumers and organizations can support the agroecological solutions and farmer-led trainings that have a proven track record of success in farming communities.
Grow Ahead and FWP will focus on:
Small farmers cool the planet and feed the world. Lend, Donate, or Sponsor today and invest in the future.
In solidarity,
Dana Geffner,
Executive Director
Fair World Project
Executive Director
Fair World Project
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