Purpose of the articles posted in the blog is to share knowledge and occurring events for ecology and biodiversity conservation and protection whereas biology will be human’s security. Remember, these are meant to be conversation starters, not mere broadcasts :) so I kindly request and would vastly prefer that you share your comments and thoughts on the blog-version of this Focus on Arts and Ecology (all its past + present + future).

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2017 in Photos: Capturing the Causes and Impacts of Climate Change

By Julie Dermansky • Sunday, December 24, 2017 - 03:01 The year 2017 was, in many ways, stormy. It brought more storms super-sized due to global warming and more people, including scientists, taking to the streets in response to the political climate. This year for DeSmog I continued documenting a range of issues related to climate change, from extreme weather enhanced by it to the expanding industrial

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This man saved more lives than any person on earth

Hi Jon In late 2016, the man who arguably saved more lives than any other person on earth passed away age 96. Video: http://www.nextworldtv.com/page/31077.html NextWorldTV.com P.S. Please share NextworldTV.com emails and videos with your friends and colleagues. That's how we grow. Thanks. Next World TV PO Box 145 Tivoli NY 12583

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These Birds Decorate Their Nests With Trash—Here’s Why

Some species prove their dominance with decor.  Part of the nest of a Bullock’s oriole is woven with plastic. Some birds decorate garishly to draw in females; others, including black kites, use bright or contrasting plastic to deter would-be competition. Photographed by RICHARD BARNES AT WESTERN FOUNDATION

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Why Self-Compassion Beats Self-Confidence

By KRISTIN WONGDEC. 28, 2017 Credit Louise Kennerley/Fairfax Media, via Getty Images “Be more confident,” a friend once told me as we made the rounds at a swanky networking event where I felt terribly out of place. Faking confidence is easy: I

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Do you need others to lose for you to win? James daSilva December 28, 2017 Unsplash/Luiz Hanfilaque As we wind down the year, I’d like us to think about our professional interactions and how we view them. Specifically, do we think most situations can only be resolved with one winner and the rest losers? Or are most situations ones where something good can result for everyone

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COP23: Key Outcomes Agreed at the UN Climate Talks in Bonn

in Climate Change — by Jocelyn Timperley — November 21, 2017 Climate change was again placed at the centre of global diplomacy over the past two weeks as diplomats and ministers gathered in Bonn, Germany, for the latest annual round of United Nations climate talks. COP23, the second “conference of the parties” since the Paris Agreement was struck in 2015, promised to be a somewhat technical affair as countries continued

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Democratic Socialists of America Win Big for a Small Party

David Shankbone / CC BY 2.0 This Q&A is part of Sarah Jaffe’s series Interviews for Resistance, in which she speaks with organizers, troublemakers and thinkers who are doing the hard work of fighting back against America’s corporate and political powers. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. For a group with very little brand-name recognition in the very recent past — the Democratic Socialists of America

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