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Help Fight Back Against Trump's Climate Change Deniers

Dear Jon:

LisaThe spate of natural disasters that have hit the country in recent weeks has left many wondering if climate change is still a distant event. The truth is that it’s here, now. 

According to estimates by the Universal Ecological Fund, the damage by the hurricanes and wildfires could add up to $300 billion, equivalent to nearly half of the President's proposed 2018 budget for the Department of Defense. 

Despite this, the forces working to oppose action to tackle climate change remain powerful, well-funded, and firmly embedded in the Trump Administration.
Big Oil’s best friend, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, recently moved to repeal the Clean Power Plan and said that the federal tax credits for the wind and solar power industries should be eliminated. 
And Trump has skirted Senate review by installing industry lobbyists in key “acting” or “advisory” roles at the EPA, the Energy Department, and the Department of Justice.

CMD works hard to expose the hidden hand of the fossil fuel industry and other powerful polluters at every level of government, but we can’t do it without your help!

CMD has earned a reputation for powerful investigations and original research that focus a spotlight on corporate influence in our democracy.
This year, we sued Pruitt and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes to force them to turn over their emails with energy companies and corporate pay-to-play groups.
And our award winning ALECexposed project, first launched in 2011, continues to uncloak secret lobbying by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). 

New research by CMD shows that  ALEC’s biggest corporate funders are also among the nation’s biggest violators of the health, safety, consumer, worker, and environmental protection laws. Just 38 of ALEC’s for-profit corporate members have paid out a total of $16 billion in federal fines and penalties since 2000. Fourteen of ALEC’s corporate leaders are in the top 100 of all non-financial violators in the U.S.

We need your support to keep shining a light on polluter influence!

Fossil fuel companies, such as Koch Industries and Peabody Energy, have worked for years through ALEC to weaken state environmental protections and mobilize state opposition to federal standards on clean air and climate change. 
Now they are seizing the opportunity that a Trump presidency has given them to undo hard-won environmental and climate gains directly. In fact, ALEC has decided to celebrate its marriage of convenience with Trump by holding its 45th anniversary gala at Trump’s Washington, D.C. hotel next year..

Please make a donation of $20, $30, or more today to help CMD expose the ongoing corporate coup over science and reason!

Thank you for all you are doing to make our world a better place! 


Lisa Graves and the whole CMD team

P.S. Check out our revealing analysis of ALEC’s biggest corporate funders who are among the 100 worst federal violators since 2000.
CMD is a national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work aids grassroots action to make our world a better place. CMD is reader-supported. Please make a tax-deductible donation today.

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