Purpose of the articles posted in the blog is to share knowledge and occurring events for ecology and biodiversity conservation and protection whereas biology will be human’s security. Remember, these are meant to be conversation starters, not mere broadcasts :) so I kindly request and would vastly prefer that you share your comments and thoughts on the blog-version of this Focus on Arts and Ecology (all its past + present + future).

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WRI Forests at COP26 | Land & Carbon Lab + AFR100 + Cities4Forests

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to three events focused on forests, land and nature-based solutions. They will be hosted on November 1 and 2 at COP26, the UN climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

All events will be streamed online, so we encourage you all to attend virtually. Please register for each event individually at the links below.

Best wishes,
The Forests Team
World Resources Institute

Land & Carbon Lab:
From the Frontier of Data to the Frontlines of Land Use


Tuesday, November 1, 2021 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. GMT

How can we reconcile humanity’s competing land demands with the need to combat climate change, protect biodiversity and improve lives?

Join us for an introduction to Land & Carbon Lab, a new World Resources Institute (WRI) initiative harnessing the data revolution to monitor the pulse of the planet’s land and its nature-based carbon and providing decision-makers everywhere with the actionable information they need to address the global land squeeze.

You will hear from WRI and partners, including scientists and technologists, on plans to build and deploy a comprehensive global land monitoring system. We will also be previewing new data, including trees in mosaic landscapes, forest carbon fluxes and global land cover – showcasing the information that will ultimately create unprecedented transparency about what is happening to the world’s land at any point on the planet, at any time.

How Cities are Inspiring Nations, Companies, and Financiers to Embrace Forest Action

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. GMT

This Cities4Forests event will showcase how city leadership on forest conservation is inspiring nations, states, companies, and financial institutions to invest in nature for climate, biodiversity, and human prosperity and well-being.

Leading global actors in government, business, and finance will partner with cities on forest action by reiterating and enhancing their commitments to nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation. The event will feature Mayors demonstrating creative city leadership on forest and nature issues, as well as high-level representatives from national governments, businesses, and investors.

A New Phase for AFR100: Accelerating Africa’s
Locally Led Land Restoration Movement

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
 1:00-2:30 p.m. GMT | 2:00-3:30 p.m. WAT
3:00-4:30 p.m. CAT | 4:00-5:30 p.m. EAT

Six years ago at COP21, African leaders embraced a positive vision for the continent’s future, one full of thriving rural communities, healthy soil and rivers, and green growing trees. They believed that life could be breathed back into all of Africa’s biodiverse and productive landscapes.

To date, 32 African governments have pledged to restore more than 100 million hectares by 2030 through the AFR100 Initiative. That work is well under way, but thousands of community-based organizations and entrepreneurs still need billions of dollars to restore more land, more quickly and more effectively.

Join African heads-of-state, investors, and implementers for the launch of the second phase of AFR100 – featuring concrete investments – and a look at the top locally led African tree restoration projects. This event is hosted by AUDA-NEPAD, WRI, and IUCN.

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