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1t.org at COP26: highlights, recommended events, and more

Dear friends,

A monumental moment is upon us: the start of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). COP26, hosted by the UK government is happening in Glasgow from 31 October – 12 November 2021.

The summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Among the chief targets of the conference are to reach agreements that keep the temperature of the planet under control – limiting its increase to 1.5°C degrees.

We at 1t.org are fully in support of these goals and believe in the power of trees to help us get there. Reaching a 1.5°C pathway will require about a 50% net-emission reduction of annual emissions from 2019 levels. And importantly, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are estimated to have the potential to deliver around one-third of that target. These are actions like: avoided deforestation and peatland impact, peatland restoration, reforestation and cover crops. And the private sector has an important role to play: 1t.org pledging company Nestle has recently written about how investing in these solutions can also make the private sector more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

Beyond helping to address the changing climate, NBS also deliver significant co-benefits to nature and humanity, like cleaning the air we breathe and water we drink, helping human health and livelihoods, and addressing needs like nutrition and food security. Our colleagues at TreeAid recently showed why trees are a crucial ingredient for sustainable food systems by creating Nutrition Gardens in Burkina Faso that grew baobab and moringa leaves. By delivering training on the production and marketing of non-timber forest products, these gardens resulted in a reduction of infant chronic malnutrition by 42%, reduction of undernourishment by 8% and an increase in household incomes by 161% in just 4 years.


Women collect Moringa leaves at Sapouy community nutrition garden in Burkina Faso. Image: Tree Aid

As we approach COP26, it’s incredibly important that we recognize the potential and power of trees to help us address the myriad of issues we’re facing globally. But it’s vital to acknowledge that trees cannot solve the climate crisis alone: we need to decarbonize our economy and we need to protect and restore our forests. As stated by Dr. Susan Cook-Patton of the Nature Conservancy, “Tackling climate change is like building a house; reforestation is like a hammer. Is it the sole tool that you can use to build the house? Absolutely not. But is it a valuable tool? Yes.”

That’s why for COP26 it’s important that we push to conserve, restore, and grow our forests but we do it in the right way. Read more to find out about our impact highlights in our push for restoration.

If your calendar allows for it, we strongly recommend you turn up virtually (or in person!) to the below set of highlight events for COP26.

And lastly, we are exceptionally proud to say that just a month after the global corporate pledge launch during the Sustainable Development Impact Summit, total 1t.org commitments have grown over 40% with over 25 companies committing to conserve, restore and grow more than 3.5 billion trees in over 55 countries.  

Yours in restoration,
Nicole Schwab
Co-Director, 1t.org
World Economic Forum
Justin Adams
Co-Director, 1t.org
World Economic Forum

1t.org Recommended Events for COP26

World Economic Forum-led 4 I’s for Financing Nature-Based Solutions: Investment, Innovation, Integrity, Inclusion
Nov 2nd 15:00 – 16:15 GMT
Where: Nature Zone Pavilion (Blue Zone), and online Eventbrite link here and Livestream link here
Science tells us that nature may be a ‘third of the solution’ to climate change but how will this actually happen? Without finance, we don’t stand a chance. There are three important pillars to mobilising finance for nature-based solutions that will also help us deliver the food and land use transition required if we are to address multiple planetary challenges together. These pillars are: one, stopping the flow of finance that causes the destruction of nature, such as deforestation; two, mobilising finance for nature-positive activities such as sustainable supply chains and restoration; and three, carbon markets which can be used to accelerate the investment across the first two pillars. This session will bring together leaders to discuss how this can be done in a way that requires investment and innovation from many different sectors but also ensures that this is done in an inclusive way, and with integrity – for people, for nature, and the climate.
Salesforce, Global Citizen, 1t.org Evening Reception
Nov 3rd 16:00 – 18:00 GMT
Where: Salesforce Lodge, 62 Miller Street, Glasgow, G1 1DT
Join Global Citizen and Salesforce for a special gathering that builds on the leadership of our climate partners 1t.org, Race to Zero and SBTi and inspires further action to defend the planet. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and a lively panel discussion on meaningful climate action. If you’re in Glasgow, register to attend here.
Living Ecosystems for Thriving Communities
Nov 6th at 10:00 – 10:45 GMT
Where: Nature Zone Pavilion (Blue Zone)
Salesforce-hosted panel discussion on the importance of investing in urban reforestation, advancing global tree equity, and protecting and conserving ocean ecosystems such as mangroves to support thriving communities.
Innovations in Forest Carbon Market
Tuesday Nov 9th  16:00 – 17:00 GMT
Where: Virtual - Register for the webinar here
Join the US Chapter of 1t.org and Forest Trend’s Ecosystem Marketplace for a discussion on how innovations in the forest carbon market are making the field more scientifically rigorous, accessible, and scalable. This webinar includes a panel of presenters from American Forests, Aspiration, Salesforce, Restore the Earth Foundation, and Verra.
Forest and Forest Product Innovation for an Inclusive Net-Zero Economy
Nov 11th 17:00 – 18:30 GMT
Where: Nature Zone Pavilion (Blue Zone), Livestream available here
Join us to discuss how sustainable working forests and forest products play an important role in climate change mitigation and can help to accelerate the transition to an inclusive net zero economy. Forest products such as sustainable mass timber can help reduce the embodied carbon footprint of buildings and cities. Additionally, through sustainable forest management, ecosystem services essential to our local communities can be enhanced.

Stay tuned

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