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Foreign investment into China expected to top 1 trillion yuan in 2021

October 22, 2021 

Foreign investment into China is expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan ($160 billion) this year, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Friday, adding the country could achieve the target of stabilizing foreign investment for the year with various favorable conditions attracting foreign investors, despite complicated external environment.

Global foreign investment has rebounded in the first half of 2021, according to a report by the United Nations on October 19. Foreign direct investment in East and Southeast Asia increased by 25 percent year on year, which is roughly the same as the growth rate of foreign investment to China, said Zong Changqing, director of the Foreign Investment Department at the MOFCOM. The report also predicted that cross-border investment throughout the year will be better than expected, and may re-exceed the level before the COVID-19. 

In addition, the stabilization and improvement of China's economic development continue. A recent World Bank report stated that China's economy is expected to grow by 8.5 percent this year, an increase of 0.4 percent from the April forecast. In the first three quarters of 2021, official data showed China's GDP increased by 9.8 percent year on year, Zong added.

(Sources: China Report)

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