Purpose of the articles posted in the blog is to share knowledge and occurring events for ecology and biodiversity conservation and protection whereas biology will be human’s security. Remember, these are meant to be conversation starters, not mere broadcasts :) so I kindly request and would vastly prefer that you share your comments and thoughts on the blog-version of this Focus on Arts and Ecology (all its past + present + future).

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Why Is An Oak Leaf Not Square?

Hi Jon You will get more production out a curvedline than a straight line. Permaculture is fascinating in that itteaches us to look at nature's non-linearsystems, and understand the patterns ofnatural phenomena. This video looks at the idea that nature'spatterns allow for maximum accessibilityand minimum amount of path. Planting in circles instead of rows is apractical use of this concept. Video: http://www.nextworldtv.com/page/4227.html NextWorldTV.com P.S.

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CfP Special Issue Energy Efficiency Journal

***Call for Papers: Special Issue of the journal Energy Efficiency on "Demand-side policies, governance and socio-technical mitigation pathways of limiting global warming to 1.5°C”***Dear Climate-L Readers,The Special Issue aims to provide a series of multi-disciplinary and comprehensive deep decarbonisation studies addressing various demand-side aspects of energy-economy systems in line with a 1.5°C target. Guest editors welcome theoretical papers,

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New WRI paper: Financing the Energy Transition: Are WB, IFC, and ADB Energy Supply Investments Supporting a Low-Carbon Future?

A new paper by the World Resources Institute (WRI), Financing the Energy Transition: Are World Bank, IFC, and ADB Energy Supply Investments Supporting a Low-Carbon Future?, provides a first-cut assessment of how the energy supply investments of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Asian Development Bank (ADB) align with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C.Finance provided

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  Posted on June 28, 2017 by GJEP staff   Leave a Comment A new study from Nature.com indicates that 30 percent of the world’s population is exposed to potentially deadly heat for 20 days per year or more. According to the study, up to three in four people will face the threat of heat related death by 2100. From the report summary: Climate change can increase the risk of conditions that exceed human thermoregulatory

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New today: Interactive map shows where you’ve planted trees

Dear Jon, Today, Earth Day Network is proud to launch our new Global Reforestation Map. Check it out! We’ve compiled our tree planting data and stories so you can see them in an interactive map.  For eight years, supporters like you have helped plant tens of millions of trees in 31 countries on six continents! Important work, since tree planting is one of the most impactful ways to fight climate

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Learn to Blog About Science

Join the Conversation Are you a scientist? Do you want share your knowledge and insights with millions of readers worldwide who are passionate about learning and the wonders of the natural world? Learn the art of blogging and reach policy makers, business leaders, educators and other thought leaders who are shaping the world with science, as well as science enthusiasts of all kinds.Apply today for a 10-week online program with Scientific

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You'll only need to charge your phone four times a year after new discovery

Scientists have created a new material for processors which uses 100 times less energy than the semiconductor-based systems currently used CHARLOTTE BEALE @CharlotteAGB 5 days ago Brush your teeth, comb your hair, charge your phone; plugging in your device has become a twice-daily habit.  But you may be able to charge your phone just once every three months in the future. Scientists have engineered a new

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Mumbai Activist Raped For Exposing Mangrove Destruction

in Environmental Protection — by National Alliance of People’s Movements — June 29, 2017 Mumbai | 29 June: Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan (GBGBA) strongly condemns the rape of a woman environment activist by five men who were apparently aggrieved by the woman’s complaint about destruction of mangroves. GBGBA is also shocked to know the callousness of the Mumbai Police department who didn’t take immediate steps which

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World’s Largest Wind Turbine Would Be Taller Than the Empire State Building

Massive, flexible blades would bend with storm winds like the palm trees that inspired them By Annie Sneed on June 26, 2017 Credit: Wolfgang Kaehler Getty Images Wind energy is soaring in the U.S.; the nation’s renewable energy capacity has more than tripled in the past nine years, and wind and solar power are largely responsible. Now businesses want to harness even more wind energy, at a cheaper price—and one of the best ways to lower cost is

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New IRENA Report: Accelerating the Energy Transition through Innovation

Dear Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to a new paper from the International Renewable Energy Agency that sheds light on the conditions needed to nurture low-carbon technology innovation for renewable energy to flourish. Technological breakthroughs and new business models are still necessary if we are to keep the rise of global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius. Accelerating the Energy Transition through Innovation identifies

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Prevent Mosquito Breeding Sites Around Your Home

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Tip. Toss. Turn. Tilt. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance; they can also carry and spread serious disease to humans and pets. Walk around your house, patio, garage, etc. and look carefully for anything that retains water – even just a little bit of water. If you find any, dump the water and either throw the item away or store it in or under something that does not collect water. Standing water

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