7 August 2024
Not part of the negotiations, the expert
groups seek to inform and help advance the work of INC-5.
INC-5 is scheduled to take place in Busan,
Republic of Korea, from 25 November to 1 December 2024.
UNEA resolution 5/14 mandates the talks to conclude “by the end of 2024”.
Two expert groups, established by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, are advancing intersessional work on potential options for a financial mechanism and on criteria and non-criteria approaches regarding plastic products and chemicals of concern.
At its fourth session in April 2024, the INC decided to establish ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups with the following mandates:
- To develop an analysis of potential sources, and means that could be mobilized, for implementation of the objectives of the instrument, including options for the establishment of a financial mechanism, alignment of financial flows, and catalyzing finance (Expert Group 1); and
- To identify and analyze criteria- and non-criteria-based approaches with regard to plastic products and chemicals of concern in plastic products, and product design focusing on recyclability and reusability of plastic products, considering their uses and applications (Expert Group 2).
According to a concept note, revised on 23 July 2024, the expert groups are not part of the negotiations. Rather, they seek to inform and help advance the work of the Committee at its fifth session (INC-5). Experts participating in the work of the groups were nominated by INC members. Expert Group 1 is co-chaired by Kate Lynch (Australia) and Oliver Boachie (Ghana). Expert Group 2 is co-chaired by Axel Borchmann (Germany), Gwen Sisior (Palau), and Luay Almukhtar (Iraq).
The expert groups commenced their work in July, using electronic means. Following a total of three virtual meetings for each group, held over the course of July and August, the experts will convene in person in Bangkok, Thailand, from 24-28 August.
The outputs to inform the negotiations at INC-5 are reports of the in-person meetings and the co-chairs’ reports that are expected to include:
- For Expert Group 1: Analysis of potential sources, and means that could be mobilized, for implementation of the objectives of the instrument, including options for the establishment of a financial mechanism, alignment of financial flows, and catalyzing finance; issues identified by the expert group for consideration by INC-5; and other concrete products that may be identified by the expert group.
- For Expert Group 2: Analysis of criteria- and non-criteria-based approaches regarding plastic products and chemicals of concern in plastic products, and product design focusing on recyclability and reusability of plastic products, considering their uses and applications; issues identified by the expert group for consideration by INC-5; and other concrete products that may be identified by the expert group.
INC-5 is scheduled to take place in Busan, Republic of Korea, from 25 November to 1 December 2024. UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) resolution 5/14 mandates the talks to conclude “by the end of 2024.”
A compilation of draft treaty text was published on 1 July. The 77-page document is heavily bracketed and includes multiple options. [Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Groups] [Work Programme for Expert Group 1, Dated 25 July 2024] [Work Programme for Expert Group 2, Dated 10 July] [INC on Plastic Pollution]
(Sources: International Institute for Sustainable Development)
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