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UN Launches Global Principles for Information Integrity

10 July 2024 

Photo credit: Rodion Kutsaev/Unsplash


The UN Global Principles for Information Integrity stem from a proposal outlined in the UN Secretary-General’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ report that was further developed in a policy brief titled, ‘Information Integrity on Digital Platforms’.

The five principles are: societal trust and resilience; healthy incentives; public empowerment; independent, free, and pluralistic media; and transparency and research.

The UN has formulated principles to guide technology companies, artificial intelligence (AI) actors, advertisers, and other private sector actors, as well as news media, researchers, civil society, governments, and the UN in their efforts to protect information integrity.

The UN Global Principles for Information Integrity stem from a proposal outlined in the UN Secretary-General’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ report that was further developed in a policy brief titled, ‘Information Integrity on Digital Platforms.’

Speaking to the media, UN Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted that while not new, threats to information integrity are “proliferating and expanding with unprecedented speed on digital platforms, supercharged by AI technologies.” “Science, facts, human rights, public health and climate action are under attack,” he said.

Titled, ‘United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity: Recommendations for Multi-stakeholder Action,’ the publication underscores that “[e]fforts to strengthen information integrity are crucial to preserve and further advance the [SDGs]” by combating misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech while at the same time upholding human rights such as freedom of expression.

The report identifies five principles for information integrity: societal trust and resilience; healthy incentives; public empowerment; independent, free, and pluralistic media; and transparency and research. It offers numerous recommendations for each type of stakeholders involved in ensuring information integrity.

The report recommends that governments, technology companies, advertisers, media, and other stakeholders refrain from using, supporting, or amplifying disinformation and hate speech for any purpose. It calls on governments to provide timely access to information, guarantee a free, viable, independent, and plural media landscape, and ensure strong protections for journalists, researchers, and civil society.

The report calls on technology companies to ensure safety and privacy by design in all products, with particular attention to the needs of groups that are often targeted online. Elevating crisis response and taking measures to support information integrity around elections are also among its recommendations.

It is also recommended that all stakeholders involved in the development of AI technologies take urgent, immediate, inclusive, and transparent measures to ensure all AI applications are designed, deployed, and used safely, securely, responsibly, and ethically while upholding human rights.

In addition, governments, technology companies, AI developers, and advertisers should take special measures to protect and empower children, while governments are advised to provide resources for parents, guardians, and educators.

The UN Global Principles for Information Integrity were launched on 24 June 2024. They serve as a resource for Member States ahead of the Summit of the Future in September. [Publication: UN Global Principles for Information Integrity: Recommendations for Multi-stakeholder Action] [Information Integrity] [UN Press Release] [UN News Story]

(Sources: International Institute for Sustainable Development)

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