Purpose of the articles posted in the blog is to share knowledge and occurring events for ecology and biodiversity conservation and protection whereas biology will be human’s security. Remember, these are meant to be conversation starters, not mere broadcasts :) so I kindly request and would vastly prefer that you share your comments and thoughts on the blog-version of this Focus on Arts and Ecology (all its past + present + future).

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$1,000 Prize for Best Climate Change Adaptation Design for Future Homes and Communities at Risk

July 6, 2024 

Tu --

This email is about a critical contest with a legitimate, BIG value for anyone who understands the climate is going to get exponentially worse before it gets better...

Many of you have noticed that our organization has shifted its focus toward climate change emergency preparation and adaptation. If you have read any of our climate analyses, you know why.

So, here is the big deal!

Our ally organization, ClimateSafe Villages (which we helped launch), is offering a $1,000 first prize for the best designs for the homes and communities of the future that must be able to withstand the coming climate change hell.

Maybe you know someone in an architectural school interested in sustainability and climate resilience. Perhaps you know a creative, inventive person thinking about humanity's climate fate and how we must adapt to what we can no longer change. If you know any of these people or someone else interested in protecting humanity's future, please let him know about this critical design contest.

Yes, $1000 is not a lot of money. Still, the value of this work is invaluable! Results will be shared widely and help humanity quickly adapt to rapidly worsening climate conditions,

Please be a climate hero or heroine, and share this email in any newsgroup or network you think will help produce better home and community design adaptations to the challenging climate future rapidly collapsing in on us.

There is a true urgency to get the best possible home and community designs adaptable for ALL economic sectors and all different climate locations worldwide done and then shared widely.

Click here for the $1,000 design application and all the design contest information.

I also personally will use the contest results to help design and build my new home in a new climate-safe location and in a new ClimateSafe Villages community.

And finally, please keep supporting our independent climate change think tank with your kind and necessary tax-deductible donations here.

We will get you additional critical climate change updates as needed.


Lawrence Wollersheim
Executive Director
Job One for Humanity & Universe Spirit

PS: To gain full access to vital climate change safer location, relocation, adaptation, and other climate change-related financial and political information, become a supporting member of our 100% independently funded, non-profit climate change think tank. Click here for all of the information you will be able to access as a member.

Job One For Humanity

Job One for Humanity offers a science-based plan to end escalating global warming that is practical, prioritized and effective for the time we have left. It s contained in the new book Climageddon. For more about Climageddon go to:
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